美樂坊 Melos Music Center
Artists and Musical Consultants

We are proud to introduce our artists and musical consultants which provide professional advice and master classes to our students. Besides, they take part in maintaining the quality of our teaching team to benefit the learning experience of students










Choi Sown Le is a graduate of the Royal College of Music London, and the Conservatoire de Musique of Geneva where he was awarded the Premier Prix de Virtuosire with Distinction. Choi Sown Le studied with German, American, Russian and Hungarian masters in addition to his studies with Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli. He has performed with renowned conductors including Maxim Shostakovich, and Yoshikazu Fukumura,and appeared as soloist with numerous orchestras including the Orchestra de Suisse Romande, Prague Chamber Orchestra, Central Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. He has also participated in numerous International Music Festivals such as the Pittsburgh Asian Music Festival, Swiss Bach Festival and the Hong Kong Arts Festival. Choi Sown Le has been the recipient of numerous awards and prizes including "Instrumentalist of the Year Award" conferred by the Hong Kong Artists Guild, and the First Prize at the Pinault International Piano Competition in New York.

Choi Sown Le has been teaching at The University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, and the Instituto Politecnico de Macau. He is also an Honourary Professor of the Tianjin and Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Visiting Professor of the Guangzhou and Dailan Conservatory of Music, Chairman of the Hong Kong Piano Music Association, Macau Piano Association, the Hong Kong Chamber Society, and the Founder of the Hong Kong Symphonia Orchestra.






Yim Wan, growing up in a family of musicians, had her early study with Gabriel Kwok before attending the Conservatory of Music at Oberlin College and subsequently the Juilliard School of Music where she obtained her Master’s degree. Monique Duphil and Jerome Lowenthal were her greatest teachers in the United States.

Yim Wan has given recitals in various cities in Asia. Being an avid performer of chamber music, she has collaborated with many notable musicians including Lu Si-qing and Qin Zhou, and Trey Lee. She is also a frequent guest soloist with the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, Hong Kong Sinfonietta and Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. Her recordings with traditional Chinese instruments have appeared in the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra chamber music albums.

Yim Wan is on the faculty of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and the Chinese University of Hong Kong and has been serving as adjudicator for regional and national youth competitions and giving lectures and master classes. In addition of her numerous commitments, she has given strong support to various charity projects and educational programs. Sharing classical music around the world especially the youth is always her mission.



周立松由1986年至2008年擔任香港管弦樂團第一小提琴手。他六歲開始學習小提琴。十一歲時公開演奏曼德爾頌小提琴恊奏曲。早期隨北京中央音樂學院王振山教授學習。1984年於香港演藝學院畢業。1983年獲得全年最優秀學生奬,並獲前港督The Lady Maclehose Prize大奬。

1984年考獲香港政府提供的全額奬學金,在英國倫敦著名喬凱音樂及戲劇學院深造,師隨歐洲著名小提琴教授David Takeno。在英國學習期間的室内樂團教師包括Erich Greunburg(倫敦交響樂團首席)、英國室内樂團大提琴首席Charles Tunnel、四重奏成員Ian Jewel及鋼琴家Gordon Back等。

在英國學習期間,他參加 Guildhall School Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Orch.,及現代音樂團等多個團體的演出。並参加YMSO、英國國家青年管弦樂團在倫敦的主要音樂廳的演出,包括Barbican Concert Hall,Royal Festival Hall及Royal Albert Hall。


周立松畢業返港後,考入香港管弦樂團,擔任第一小提琴手。同年獲香港電台(RTHK4)邀請於香港大會堂劇院舉行小提琴個人獨奏會。1993年與香港著名鋼琴家蔡崇力、美國大提琴家Larry Glazier創立了鋼琴三重奏;1995至2000年為香港弦樂四重奏成員,其間在香港藝術節、澳門藝術節、廣東省及香港的大專院校及主要的音樂廳、香港電台第四台及亞洲各大城市作定期演出。獲香港科技大學邀請為駐校藝術家及獲香港電台第四台邀請為駐台藝術家。其後獲澳門政府邀請於澳門Clube Militar De Macau舉行音樂會。

2001年,周立松於香港大會堂舉行了個人獨奏會,為香港慈善團體St. Barnabas Society and Home籌款。同年,他代表香港參加福岡音樂節。2005年在香港創辦了周立松小提琴藝術中心,從事音樂教育。2009年於香港大会堂音樂廳,與蔡崇力等音樂家,舉行室樂音樂會。2010,周立松與樂友.慈善音樂會,為非洲Malawi孤兒院。


Chow Lap Chung joined the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra since 1986, playing first violin for over twenty years. Began his violin study at the age of six, Chow performed his first concerto at the age of 11, playing the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto. He spent his formative year with Mr. Wang Zhen Shan at the Beijing Conservatory of Music.
He studied at Hong Kong conservatory of Music, and owned the Lady Maclehose Prize as the best student of 1983.

In 1984, Chow won a scholarship provided by the Hong Kong Government to study with David Takeno at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London from which he graduated in 1986. His chamber music teachers were Erich Greunburg, Concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra, Charles Tunnels, Principal Cellist of the English Chamber Orchestra, lan Jewel of the Gabrieli String Quartet and the pianist Gordon Back among others. In the Guildhall School he formed a string Quartet and played with the Guildhall Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra and the Contemporary Ensemble. Furthermore, he was invited to be a member of the prestigious Young Musician Symphony Orchestra (YMSO) in UK, and performed in major Concert Halls in London, including the Barbican Concert Hall, Royal Festival Hall and Royal Albert Hall.

Chow is an experienced violin teacher.recitalist and chamber musician. He performed widely in England, Hong Kong, Macau and China, and taught at the Dartington Music Festival in South London.

In 1993, Chow formed a piano Trio with pianist Choi Sown Le and cellist Larry Glazer, performing widely in Asia.

From 1995 – 2000, Chow was a member of the Hong Kong String Quartet which participated at the H.K. Art Festival, Macao Music Festival. Chow has also been a resident artist for RTHK (Radio4) and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

In 2001, he gave a violin recital at the City Hall with pianist Carol Yu for St. Barnabas’ Society and Home Charity Concert, and in the same year he represented Hong Kong at the Asian Friendly Concert in Japan.

In July 2005, Chow founded his own “Charles’ Art Studio” in Hong Kong.

In 2006.2008,Charles ART Studio give a student concert at Hong Kong Cityhall .

In 2009 Chow with pianist Choi Sown Le, cellist Laurent Perrin and violas William Lane give a Chamber Music Concert. at the Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall.

In 2010,Chow and his friends,give a Charity Chamber Music concert at City hall Theatre for Malawi Africa Children

Chow was a former lecturer at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and he is now a violin lecturer at the Music Department of the Hong Kong Baptist University and The Hong Kong University of Education.



關統安,生於中國香港,香港管弦樂團大提琴演奏家,十歲時開始在香港演藝學院學習大提琴。在學習音樂期間獲得過十餘個獎學金,如香港銀行,香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈基金,奧伯林音樂學院,斯坦利騎士及耶魯音樂學院獎學金等。她在奧伯林音樂學院隨Andor Toth Jr.教授學習,考獲學士學位並成為榮譽學會Pi Kappa Lambda的榮譽會員。之後進入耶魯大學隨世界著名的AldoParisot教授繼續深造,獲得音樂碩士學位。關統安於美國學習期間曾跟隨埃默森,聖彼得堡,維美爾,東京弦樂及科羅拉多等弦樂四重奏等成員學習室樂演奏。

1992年,關統安獲取獎學金並作為唯一代表香港的音樂家獲選參與在美國密歇根州舉行的Interlochen音樂營。她於1995年擔任亞洲青年管弦樂團的首席大提琴, 並於1996-97年以世界青年管弦樂團團員的身份參加在瑞士舉辦的Verbier音樂節。她還曾聯同耶魯大學大提琴樂團在曼徹斯特大提琴音樂節丶法國寶維的大提琴音樂節上演出,並灌錄唱片。



Anna Kwan Ton An, an acclaimed young virtuoso of the new generation started learning the cello when she was ten at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.Exceptionally gifted and excelled in both academic performance and conduct, Anna won more than ten scholarships such as the Hong Kong Bank, Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund, Oberlin Conservatory of Music, Stanley Knight and Yale School of Music.

While studying with Professor AndorToth for her Bachelor Degree at Oberlin Conservatory of Music, Anna has worked with members of the Vermeer, Emerson, and Colorado string quartets. She graduated as a member of the honor society Pi Kappa Lambda. She then furthered her studies with Professor Aldo Parisot at Yale
University, from which she obtained her Masters in Music. At Yale, she received coachings from Professor Claude Frank, Peter Frankl and members of the Tokyo String Quartet.

As a soloist, Anna has been invited by the LCSD ‘Young Soloist Series’ to play a solo recital in 1999. She was also invited to perform as a representative of Wells Cathedral School, England while she was a student there to perform at the Governor’s House for Sir Chris Patten. Various solo recitals were also given at Kulas
Recital Hall and Morse Recital Hall, USA. Anna is an active chamber musician and orchestral musician and has collaborated with performers in small ensembles such as Nigel Kennedy, violin and Monique Duphil, piano. In 1992, she was chosen to be the only representative from Hong Kong to attend the Interlochen Arts Camp in Michigan, USA with full scholarship. She was principal cello of the Asian Youth Orchestra 1995 and a member of the Jeunesses Musicales World Youth Orchestra, orchestra in residence of the Verbier Music
Festival, Switzerland in 1996 and 1997.

Anna also toured with the Yale Cellos, performing at the Manchester Cello Festival and Rencontre de Violoncelles in Beauvais, a cd of the concert was released for Calliope record label.

Anna joined the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra in 2001. In 2006 she was invited by Maestro Myung-Whun Chung to perform as a member of the Asia Philharmonic Orchestra to perform in Seoul, Korea. As the member of the Hong Kong String Quartet,she has given concerts in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and
Macau. She is currently a member of the Anonymous Quartet and was Artist in Residence of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2015-16.

Anna started her teaching career in 2001 with great dedication to nurture the young and upcoming cello loving students. She is a cello faculty of the Asian Youth Orchestra since 2016.




施盈琳自幼學習鋼琴,十四歲起師從香港管弦樂團首席豎琴Christopher Sidenius於香港演藝學院學習豎琴,並先後修畢演藝文憑(音樂)及音樂學士(榮 譽) 學位(主修豎琴演奏)。在學期間施盈琳獲頒成龍慈善基金獎學金;肄業 後,施盈琳繼續深造,並先後獲美國紐約州立大學(賓厄姆頓)頒發文娛藝術行 政管理高級證書、香港教育學院頒發學位教師教育文憑,及香港浸會大學頒發 音樂文學碩士學位。



Barbara Sze graduated with Diploma in Performing Arts (Music) and Bachelor (Hons) Degree in Music from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts where she majored in harp performance with Mr. Christopher Sidenius, Principal Harpist of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. Barbara Sze was later awarded Advanced Certificate of Arts and Entertainment Management by the Binghamton University (SUNY), Postgraduate Diploma in Education by the Hong Kong Institute of Education and a Master of Arts degree in Music by the Hong Kong Baptist University.

As a freelance harpist, Barbara performs frequently with various orchestras such as the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong Academy Orchestra, the SAR Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Bangkok Opera, China Film Philharmonic, China National Symphony Orchestra, International Orchestra of Italy, KBS Symphony Orchestra, and National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland. In 2009, Barbara was invited to be the adjudicator for the harp contest of the 27th Macau Young Musicians Competition.

A devoted harp teacher, Barbara coaches harp students at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong Music Office. In 2004, she established the Hong Kong Harp Academy to further promote harp playing and to groom promising harpists in Hong Kong.


Miss Bronwen Naish

For over 20 years, Bronwen Naish was well known on stage, TV and radio for her innovative, elegant and entertaining performances on solo double bass, She toured extensively with her popular and humorous programmes in a wide range of musical styles, commissioning many new works for the bass, often dramatic and unconventional.

Her musical entertainments for primary schools were particularly popular and were welcomed throughout the UK and in Australia. Her autobiographical book ‘Another String To My Bow’, a lighthearted account of the life of a busy mother and musician, was published in 1981.

She taught extensively, individually, in master classes, in workshops, the techniques of the great American virtuoso, Gary Karr.

Her 20 years as an examiner for the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music has been the focus of her professional career, after injury brought retirement from the concert platform. A significant number of extended foreign tours for the Associated Board, covering Malaysia, Indonesia, South Africa, Botswana, Macau and many in Hong Kong, have given Bronwen a breadth of experience and knowledge. Her interest has always been in developing the skills necessary to put candidates at their ease, particularly the youngest, as they approach their important examinations. She strives throughout, to encourage these youngsters to gain confidence in themselves, with her easy and calm manner.

This cheerful approach will be prominent in developing the new exams coaching service in Hong Kong which is now her focus. She will impart vital knowledge, confidence and enjoyment to prospective candidates, bringing success at all levels. Candidates thus prepared, will find the exam experience is happy and enjoyable, leading to increased success at the following levels.


Miss Jean Burrow

Jean Burrow has been a music examiner for over 30 years and has travelled extensively in that capacity, especially in the Far East and in New Zealand. She was also appointed to the panel of Theory Paper markers in 1978,

She studied the piano with York Bowen, and singing with Flora Nielsen at the Royal Academy of Music in London. In her final year, she was the only student without perfect pitch to be awarded the highest grade in Aural Training.

After a year at London University, she gained a Music Teachers’ Certificate with Distinction and began a career in Education, teaching music to Advanced and University entrance level. At the age of 24 she became Head of Music at Notting Hill and Ealing High School for Girls.

She lived in West Africa for 3 years, where her 2 daughters were born. She ran the University Choral Society, formed the Accra Madrigal Group, and performed extensively on television and on the concert platform in duo with a professional Recorder player.

Choral work has been an abiding interest, and on returning to UK, she formed Children’s Choirs, and an A Capella adult choir, all of which performed to high acclaim. She sang with The Bach Choir for many years and was appointed to train the Ripieno Choir by Sir David Willcocks.

She continues to train choirs, to adjudicate at music festivals, to act in an advisory capacity, and to coach instrumentalists.

Her breadth of experience both as an examiner and as a teacher have made her wish to use her expertise to help examination candidates feel poised and in control in the examination; her strength in aural work, and in viva discussions should be of tremendous benefit to the candidates, and put them into and advantageous position.


Prof. Tomislav Nedelkovic-Baynov

Tomislav Nedelkovic-Baynov was born in 1958 in Sofia, Bulgaria, to a musical family. His first onstage performance was at the age of five; one year later he won first Prize in the national piano competition at Prowadia, Bulgaria.

Prof. Tomislav Baynov completed his piano and composing studies at the Academies of Music in Sofia (Bulgaria), and Trossingen (Germany), and is a holder of a Concert Diploma. He is the winner of several international piano awards (Bulgaria, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Czechoslovakia), and is the winner of the 1990 “Sergei Rachmaninov Competition in Morcone, Italy. Between 1981 (when he first moved to Germany), and 1986 he has performed as a soloist at the West Berlin Philharmonic Hall a total of twenty-nine times. Prof. Baynov has been on the jury of international competitions in Italy, Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Canada, and the Czech Republic, and is the holder of honorary degrees from Quing Dao and Chu Fu Universities in China. In addition to his teaching engagement at the Academy of Music in Trossingen, and holding Master Classes in Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, and Slovakia. Prof. Baynov has performed solo, ensemble, chamber, and orchestral concerts spanning five continents, with an extensive discography and broadcast history worldwide.

His passion for multi-piano works is demonstrated by his founding, in 1989, of the Baynov Piano Ensemble; which is dedicated to rarely heard works for several pianos. This passion is also evidenced by the (until recently) only “International Piano Competition for Sic Hands”, of which he is president.

Tomislav Nedelkovic-Baynov生於1958年蘇菲亞‧保加利亞,生於音樂世家,五歲在台上表演,六歲贏得全國鋼琴比賽金獎。


他醉心於鋼琴數重奏作品並於1989 年成立了 Baynov-Piano-Ensemble,為了推廣多重奏的鋼琴音樂作品,他現亦是德國國際六手聯彈比賽的會長。



陳怡君出生於台灣台中市。自小已是大提琴的出色表演者。 她連續四年取得台中市大提琴比賽(青少年組)的冠軍。1994年和1996年曾代表台中市參加台灣大提琴比賽取得冠軍。

陳怡君16歲時被美國費城Curtis Institute of Music取錄 ,師從 大提琴家 David Soyer (GuarneriQuartet的大提琴家) 。畢業後,於Boston Universty 深造取得碩士學位。在校期間,受DavidSoyer 的影響,對室樂產生濃厚興趣.。1999-2000年獲GeraldF.Warburg Cello獎學金,參加KneiselHall 室樂音樂節。

旅居美國期間曾與FelixGalimiar, Juilliard String Quartet, Guarneri String Quartet, Orion StringQuartet, Emerson String Quartet and Cleveland String Quartet等多名大師學習室樂。

2002年受台中市邀請於台中文化中心與Arensky Cello Quartet及 Brahms Sextet 一同演出。2003 年獲Jeanne Ruddy Dance 職業舞蹈團邀請在費城 WilmaTheater 參與弦樂四重奏。同年,她接受AnalyticalGraphics, Inc. (AGI)邀請為 NASA Space Conference 錄製音樂錄影帶。曾受光華新聞文化中心邀請,代表在港台灣音樂家參予台灣月的演出。

再者,陳怡君也活躍於交響樂團的演出。1994-1996年,她是台灣青年管弦樂團的首席大提琴手。 1997年她曾獲得VigorInternational Corporation 獎學金參加亞洲青少年管弦樂團,得到名家馬友友的讚賞及指導。1999年她隨同CurtisSymphony Orchestra的指揮家AndrePrevin,獨奏家AnneSophie Mutter 到歐洲演出。2001-2002年加入HaddonfieldSymphony。2003年她是BostonUniversity Orchestra首席大提琴手,同年被Hingham Symphony Orchestra委任為署理首席大提琴手。2004年,她參加日本太平洋音樂節,同年獲奇美文教基金會頒發樂壇新秀的榮譽。


Yi-chun Chen was born in Taichung, Taiwan. At 16, Chen was accepted to The Curtis Institute of Music in the USA where she studied under world-known cellist, David Soyer, founding member of the Guarneri Quartet. She has joined Hong Kong Philharmonic since 2004. At the same year, she was awarded “Talent in Art” Scholarship from Chi Mei Foundation and “New Rising Artist in Music” in Taiwan.

At very early age, Chen was already the top winner of Taichung City Cello Competition for four consecutive years (children and junior divisions). She was also the winner of Taiwan cello competition in 1994 and 1996, representing Taichung city.

During her study with Soyer in 1998, she developed a great interest in chamber music and took part in Kneisel Hall Chamber Music Festival from 1999-2001 with the support of Gerald F. Warburg Cello Scholarship. She studied chamber music with Felix Galimiar, and had the opportunity to learn from Juilliard String Quartet, Guarneri String Quartet, Emerson String Quartet and Cleveland String Quartet. After graduation from The Curtis Institute of Music, she pursued her master degree in Boston University. Chen’s appearance has included performance with Jeanne Ruddy Dance Company at Wilma Theater in Philadelphia; performance with violinist Joseph Lin, at Taichung Cultural Center; cello ensemble performance with world-known cellist, Truls Mork, in Hong Kong Cultural Centre; performance at Kwang Hua Cultural Centre in Hong Kong as a representing of Taiwanese musician; performance with Soprano Lucy Shelton, and violinist Solomiya Ivakhiv at Ukrainian Institute of America in New York.

Chen has a rich orchestral experience. She was principal cellist of Taiwan Symphony Youth Orchestra from 1994-1997. In 1997, she won the Vigor International Corporation Scholarship which allowed her to take part in Asian Youth Orchestra’s music tour with Yo Yo Ma. In 1999, she was on a performing tour with Curtis Symphony Orchestra under conductor, Andre Previn and violinist Anne Sophie Mutter in Europe. She was a member of Haddonfield Symphony in 2001 and 2002. She was principal cellist of Boston University Orchestra in 2003 and was appointed acting principal of Hingham Symphony in the same year. In 2004, she took part in Pacific Music Festival in Japan.

Chen is a dedicated teacher in classical music. She joined Yip’s Children’s Choral & Performing Arts Centre. She is appointed Adjunct Lecturer of Baptist University.



劉氏多次在本港及外地舉行獨奏會,曾聯同多個樂團演出協奏曲。另外,她亦活躍於鋼琴聯彈,多次舉行雙鋼琴、鋼琴四至八手聯彈演奏會,曾為香港鋼琴四重奏“Piano Extravaganza”成員之一。其演奏被譽為「極具靈氣...指觸流利而敏感,音色美麗通透,音樂處理恰到好處,演奏蘊含詩意與深情」。
劉氏早年以優等成績先後畢業於香港浸會學院音樂藝術系及英國伯明翰音樂學院。在學時主修鋼琴演奏,先後師承譚家傑及Malcolm Wilson,又分別隨John Humphreys及Anthony Saunders硏習鋼琴伴奏及室樂演奏。她為兩所學院傑出學生,分別獲得兩所學府頒發過多項獎學金,更獲伯明翰音樂學院頒授榮譽院士銜,曾獲邀為校外顧問。

Born in Singapore, Hong Kong pianist Grace Lau enjoys her musical career as both performer and educator. Her playing exhibits sensitive touch and exquisite tone with poetic ideas and profound thoughts. Apart from solo playing, she actively engages herself in ensemble activities, vocal accompanying and coaching.

She had performed with the Almira String Quartet (UK) and appeared as soloist with the Birmingham Sinfonietta (UK), the Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra (HK) and the KLPAC Orchestra (Malysia) amongst others. As a founding member of the HK Piano Quartet “Piano Extravaganza”, she had given piano four to six hands and two pianos four to eight hands recitals.

Being one of the distinguished vocal accompanists, Lau has collaborated with maestro Yen Liang Kun, Cao Ding, Kwok Dick Yeung and renowned vocalists as Jeffie Leung, Zhang Qian, Roy Cheng, Yu Qing Wu and Manabu Oui. Owing to her keen interest in vocal music, she has done the Chinese translation of the lyrics on many of the occasions. She is currently the artistic director of “Los Cantantes”.

Honored as distinguished alumni, Lau graduated with distinction both from the Hong Kong Baptist University and the Birmingham Conservatoire in England, majoring in piano performance with Ka-kit Tam and Malcolm Wilson respectively. She also studied piano accompaniment with John Humphreys and received chamber music coaching from Anthony Saunders. Besides obtaining a number of awards and scholarships from both of the institutes, Lau was designated the Honorary Membership from the Conservatoire upon her accomplishment in the music profession and had been invited to be the external advisor.

Lau has been on the piano faculty of the Music Department of the Hong Kong Baptist University since 1992. At present, she also teaches at the Hong Kong Institute of Education and the School of Continuing & Professional Studies of the Chinese University. Throughout the years, she has given lectures on aural perception, keyboard skills, general musicianship, performance practice, piano pedagogy, piano collaborative playing as well as conducted piano masterclasses and adjudicated for various piano competitions.




A native of Beijing, China, Xiaomu Fang began cello studies at the age of eight. She received her formal training at the Central Conservatory of Music in China and was awarded top prizes in the Bach Suite Competition, the Chinese Works Competition and the Solo Competition of the Central Conservatory of Music.
In 1996, Xiaomu moved to the United States and studied with Eleonore Schoenfeld at the University of Southern California on full scholarship. Since moving to the States, she has been a First-Prize Winner of numerous competitions, including the Pasadena Instrumental Solo Competition, Young Musician Foundation’s 42nd Annual Solo Competition, the Chinese American National Showcase Solo Competition, the University of Southern California Concerto Competition, the American String Teachers’ Association Solo Competition, and the Brentwood-Westwood Orchestra Solo Competition. As a winner for three consecutive years, Xiaomu received the highest Fellowship Grants Awards from the Los Angeles Philharmonic’s Excellence in Diversity Program from 1996-1999. She was also awarded First-Prize in the Mu Phi Epsilon International Fraternity Scholarship and Sigma Alpha Iota Scholarship Awards.

Xiaomu has performed as soloist with the China Philharmonic Orchestra, the Pacific Symphony Orchestra, Young Musician’s Foundation Debut Orchestra, the Brentwood-Westwood Orchestra, and the USC Symphony under the baton of guest-conductor Segiu Comissiona.

In 2000, Xiaomu was invited as one of the 35 outstanding cellists from all over the world to participate in the master classes and concert series of the World Cello Congress III. In the same year she was chosen to participate in the New York String Orchestra Seminar, including two concerts at Carnegie Hall.

In 2002, Xiaomu was the First-Prize winner of the Five Towns Music String Competition in New York, and was also a winner of the Olga Koussevitzky Competition for Strings. During the same year she was the Cello Award winner of the Artists International Presentation’s 30th Annual Award Competition, which resulted in her New York recital début at Carnegie Hall’s Weill Recital Hall in May 2003, receiving great critical acclaim.
Xiaomu studied with Harvey Shapiro at The Juilliard School on full scholarship and graduated in 2003. She was the Principal Cellist of both The Juilliard Symphony and The Juilliard Opera Orchestra. An active chamber musician she performs frequently at the Lincoln Center in New York with her piano trio and string quartet. From 2005-2007 Xiaomu was the Principal Assistant Cellist of the China Philharmonic Orchestra, and performed the Concerto Grosso for Three Violoncelli by Krzystof Penderecki with the orchestra in December 2006 to great acclaim.

In April 2007 Xiaomu was invited to play a solo recital at Lincoln Center’s Alice Tully Hall in New York, winning again the highest acclaim from both the audience and the press. For her extraordinary talent and contribution to the world of music, the New York State Assembly of the United States awarded Xiaomu the “Outstanding Achievement in Arts and Culture Award” in April 2007. She was the first Asian musician to receive this award.

Xiaomu joined the Hong Kong Philharmonic in 2008 as the Co-Principal Cello. She was invited to play another solo recital at the distinguished Carnegie Hall’s Zankel Hall in New York in April, 2008. After a highly acclaimed performance, she was immediately invited back to play another solo recital at the new Alice Tully Hall at the Lincoln Center in New York.


Mr. Paolo Vairo 保罹。法伊洛

保羅‧法伊洛 Paolo Vairo ( 美樂坊 海外音樂顧問 )

鋼琴家保羅‧法伊洛(Paolo Vairo)於1974年出生於義大利北部的科莫(Como, Italy)。他超凡亮麗且纖細的音樂性,使他在義大利及其他地區獲得聽眾及樂評的廣大認同。法伊洛的演出曲目範圍很廣,且他對於作曲家創作歷程的深入研究,使他除了精湛的演奏技巧外,更有著充滿詩性的樂曲詮釋。

法伊洛每年均於義大利、瑞士、奧地利、德國、捷克、波蘭、羅馬尼亞、法國、英國,及美國各地巡迴演出,舉辦鋼琴獨奏會或在管絃樂音樂會上擔任鋼琴獨奏。在義大利各大城市都有他演出的足跡,獲得樂評的高度評價。法伊洛曾與世界知名的Herkulessaal der Residenz及慕尼黑管絃樂團(Münchener Symphonikern)共同演出,此外,亦曾受邀參與義大利Aosta貝多芬音樂節演出。

法伊洛於2001年秋天獲得全額獎學金前往美國費城坦普大學(Temple University in Philadelphia),在Hervey Wedeen教授指導下得到鋼琴演奏碩士學位,法伊洛同時擔任助教工作,自2005年起,被遴選為「賓州表演藝術中心」(Pennsylvania Performing Arts)巡迴音樂家之一員。法伊洛在學術上的卓越研究重心為舒曼(Robert Schumann)的鋼琴作品,自2006年至2010年(慶祝舒曼150年誕辰及逝世200年紀念)法伊洛舉辦了多場舒曼系列音樂會及演講。2008年以來每年獲加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省之邀約前往溫哥華舉辦舒曼系列演出。2010 年11月受費城社區大學之邀,演出舒曼鋼琴作品全集,這個系列音樂會的錄影並在費城地區公共電視播出。

法伊洛最近的演出,包括在華沙為蕭邦學會(Chopin Society)於Lazienki Park演出蕭邦全集,並在義大利、德國、英國及捷克舉辦巡迴鋼琴獨奏會。在美國的演出,包括在費城的音樂廳和學會,並參與史坦威鋼琴家系列的演出,2011年春天,法伊洛與費城管絃樂協會(Orchestra Society of Philadelphia)演出莫札特的鋼琴協奏曲,六月受邀前往俄羅斯聖彼得堡舉辦講座音樂會,為當地的鋼琴學子提供大師班課程,並於夏天在歐洲各地巡迴演出,2012年秋天於台灣及香港演出,獲得熱烈回響。2013年夏天並將再度前往歐洲巡迴演出。

除了頻繁的音樂會演出之外,法伊洛任教於達靈頓藝術中心(Darlington Arts Center)、費城社區大學(Community College of Philadelphia)及蒙哥馬利郡社區大學(Montgomery County Community Collage),教授鋼琴演奏、音樂史及音樂理論課程。並擔任他的家鄉,義大利科莫的表演藝術活動的之藝術及節目企畫副總監。

Paolo Vairo has been performing professionally as a soloist and soloist with orchestra since 1990. He continues to perform throughout Europe and North America. Paolos latest concert tour included performances in Munich, Germany, Rome, Bari, Lake Como, Lake Garda, Savona and Venice, Italy and re-engagements in Warsaw, Poland and Vancouver, Canada. In November he will be busy with a new tour in Taiwan and Hong Kong where he will be performing a series of recitals, lecture-recitals, masterclasses and workshops in several locations including the National Concert Hall in Taipei.

Paolo has dedicated himself to the piano literature of Robert Schumann and between 2006 and 2010 (to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Schumanns death and the 200th anniversary of his birth), he has been performing and lecturing on Schumanns works. In addition to concertizing, Paolo is on faculty at Community College of Philadelphia, Montgomery County Community College and Darlington Arts Center where he teaches piano and music theory.

He is also the Artistic and Programming Director of the Villa Carlotta Concert Series in Lake Como, Italy, which just celebrated its 21st year of brilliant activity. Since 2005, Paolo has been selected for inclusion on the Pennsylvania Performing Arts on Tour roster.


Caterina Stocchi (ITALY)

Caterina Stocchi is an Italian educator and flutist from Arezzo, Tuscany. She holds the diploma in flute performance from the Institute Rinaldo Franci of Musical Training in Siena with Luciano Tristaino. She is also a master degree holder in flute performance and music education in instrumental training at the Benedetto Marcello Music Conservatory of Venice where she studied with Federica Lotti. During her study in Venice, she was awarded the secondary educational certificate both in flute performance and in instrumental training with perfect score. In 2016, she successfully completed the Cycle de sp?cialization in Strasbourg Conservatory of Music in France with Mario Caroli. Her teaching experience includes public middle schools and teaching privately in Provinces of Arezzo and Venice in Italy.
Caterina is an active orchestral and chamber music performer. Her collaboration appearances include major theaters throughout Italy such as La Fenice, Malibran, Palazzo Grassi in Venice, Rozzi theatre in Siena and Petrarca theatre in Arezzo. She also collaborated with the Venice Biennale, the Cini Foundation, the Levi Foundation, the Palazzetto Bru Zane, the Institute of Sciences and Art in Veneto, Palazzo Grassi, the Cultural Association of Florence "Segni e Tempi" Mario Luzi, the Etruria Symphony Orchestra and the Amadeus Chamber Orchestra of Salzburg.






Miss Bronwen Naish

Miss Jean Burrow

Prof. Tomislav Nedelkovic-Baynov




Mr. Paolo Vairo 保罹。法伊洛

Caterina Stocchi (ITALY)